

    Thank you for considering Unity Christian School for your child(ren)!

    Unity Christian is a multi-denominational school that seeks to partner with Christian families to nurture students' God-given potential as they humbly serve God's world. Our school's tagline is LEARNING and LIVING in CHRIST, and we aim to act this out in all we do. We have over 45 churches represented at Unity, and it is a joy partnering with all of them to offer a distinctly Christian education to all of our families. Unity Christian recognizes that parents are primarily responsible for their children's education and that the school partners with the home to help raise a child. Further, Unity recognizes the important role of the Church in a child's faith formation. Unity Christian recognizes that the Bible is the infallible word of God, that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead, and that God is sovereign over every square inch of the world. 

    Unity Christian would love to partner with you in your children's education. If you have any questions about the registration process, please contact our Director of Development, Evelyn van Egdom, at 604-794-7797 or send an email.


    Admissions Process

    Step 1: Inquiry - Interested in Unity Christian School? Contact our Director of Development, Evelyn van Egdom, at 604-794-7797 or send an email. Evelyn will be happy to provide you with information, answer your questions, and, if you are interested, book an appointment for an educational consultation/school tour.

    Step 2: Educational Consultation - Our System Principal will provide you with a scheduled tour of our Pre-K to Grade 12 campus. He will also share our school's history, mission and vision, and details about our education program. 

    Step 3: Registration Package - At the end of the tour, you will be given the opportunity to receive a registration package. The System Principal will walk you through the various documents and interview you to gain a better understanding of your family. 

    Step 4: Submit Completed Package/Follow-Up - The registration package will be reviewed by the System Principal, division Vice-Principal, and the Director of Educational Support Services. A follow-up phone call may be placed to gain a better understanding of the information in the registration package.     

    Step 5: Communication - The decision to accept a student is based on several factors. Families will receive notification of the result of the registration process from our Director of Development. 

    Unity Christian will begin accepting applications for the 2025 - 2026 school year in November. Complete the Inquiry Form to begin the Admissions Process!

    Admissions Inquiry Form

    Please fill out this form:
      • Select all that apply.
      • Select all that apply.


    We offer bussing for all students with pick-up locations from Agassiz to Yarrow, Fairfield Island to Promontory.

    Bussing fees are not included in the tuition. Please contact our Bus Coordinator Cheryl Visser or our System Principal, Matt Van Muyen.