Meet our Staff 

    High School

    Huberts, Mark Vice-Principal: High School, Career-Ed 10, Leadership 11-12
    Aulakh, Raeann Music Director, Bible 11-12, Career-Life Connections 12A, Concert Band 9-12
    Bron, Joel WEX/YWIT Coordinator, Engineering 11-12, Metalwork 9-12, Woodwork 9-12
    Contant, Michelle Middle School Vice-Principal; Outdoor Education 11/12
    de Raadt, Michelle Educational Support Services Coordinator, Career-Life Connections 12A
    Dunnewold, Cyrus BC First Peoples 12, Bible 10, Career-Life Ed 10, Composition 11, New Media 11, Socials 9
    Esau, Jordan Computer Studies 10, Information Systems 11
    Gbwapor, Achille Athletic Director, Active Living 11/12, PHE 10
    Gibbons, Darren Anatomy and Physiology 12, Chemistry 11-12, Engineering 11-12, Physics 11-12, Science 10
    Giesbrecht, Steven Drama 9-12
    Glasgow, Daniel HS Math and Science
    Glasgow, Kira HS English and Social Studies Teacher
    Huizing, Kathy Career Education Coordinator, 20th Century World History 12, Bible 11-12, Career-Life Connections 12, English 9, Genocide Studies 12, Social Studies 10
    Meagher, Fiona Chapel Coordinator, Calculus 12, Career-Ed 9, Math 9, Pre-Calculus 11-12, Workplace Math 10-11
    Mostow, Hannah Academic Counsellor, Art Studio 8-12, Bible 11-12, Career-Life Connections 12B, Media Design 11-12
    van der Leek, Caleb Bible 9, Career-Ed 9, Creative Writing 10, English 12, Literary Studies 10
    van Egdom, Evelyn Grad Coordinator
    Van Herk, Corissa MHS School Counsellor
    Vermette, Maria Librarian
    Winger, Angela French 9-12, Foods 10-12